Questions about the program
Beach Volleyball is played 4 on 4 on an outdoor sand court. There will be 5 to 6 players per team. We follow the majority of beach volleyball rules, but some have been modified to accommodate the level of our players. The age range for players is 9 to 18 years old and we welcome beginners, intermediate or advanced players.
Teams will practice about 2 times a week before games start. Once games start each team will practice about once a week.
We are looking for a few additional coaches this season, existing coaches have been handling multiple teams each. Please contact Lacie Ackles if interested.
All practices and games are played at the Optimist Club Farm located at 2908 Optimist Farm Road, Apex, NC 27539.

Teams and Divisions
Instead of creating teams by age, we rank all the players by ability and broke them apart evenly into teams. The more advanced players are selected for an advanced division, while remaining players will be in an intermediate division. Players must be placed in the advanced division - they can not simply sign up to be in it. This will make for exciting and easy flowing games and teams that have worked very well.
We will have an All Star team formed from the Main division and the Advanced Division. 8 players from each will be selected by coach and commissioner votes.
Having 2 divisions gave players an opportunity to work with other players that were their same skill level. The 2 divisions are:
- Main Division - Beginner and Intermediate players.
- Advanced Division - High level and experienced players.
Advantages of having two divisions based on skill level:
- Accommodate the players that have leveled up and needed to learn more advanced skills.
- Equally important is that the Beginners and Intermediate players get the attention they need at a level that doesn't move faster than they can learn these new skills.
Having these 2 divisions will help us better serve our players without having to organize clinics in order to get like skilled players together. The first two years of the program did not have such a large gap between advanced and beginner players, but through the dedication of the coaches and hard work of the players, there is now a distinct difference that cannot be ignored.

2021 Beach Volleyball Timeline (Tentative)
- June 7th - 10th - Assessments/Evaluations - must be registered and paid in full to participate. Evaluations have generally required two nights of attendance during that week, one night for skills assessments and one night for game play assessments. More details on expectations will be provided as we approach that week.
- Team practices will start after teams are formed on June 10th ( Practice Schedule will come out after evaluations and team formation)
- Practices could be 1, 1 and a half, or 2 hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday nights. This is heavily based on the number of teams that are formed.
- Each team will practice 2 times a week until games start.
- Practice times are either 5:30 to 7:00 PM or 7:00 to 8:30 PM, or 5:30 to 7:30 PM or 6:30 to 8:30 PM with shared courts. If three teams need the court there will be 1 hour practices at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30
- Games will start after the week of July 4th and run to August 26th (Game schedule will come out in early July)
- No games or practices will be held the week of July 4th
- Rain make up games will be worked in and could take over practice times if required.
- When games start each team will have an evening of games each week and one practice night.
- The end of Season tournament will be the last weekend in August, the 27th to 29th
- End of season Banquets are the week after the end of season tournament
End of season tournament and banquet
There will be an End Of The Season Tournament all weekend near the end of August. Mark your calendars now!
It will be a double elimination tournament, with a few individual skill competitions between games, All Star Game and a
Coaches vs. All Star Team Exhibition Game to finish the weekend. Just after the tournament there will be an end of season banquet - which night your team has their end of season awards will be determined near the end of the season.
All players will be recognized for their efforts over the season and during the tournament. Award BOOKS will be given out to new Optimist Volleyball members and all players will receive their personal
certificates of achievement for the season.
A Most Improved Player Award and Coaches Award Certificates will be given out to 2 members from each Team,
as well as All Star Certificates to the players that made the All Star Team.
As always we will have the player signing pages for the players to give and receive notes and well-wishes to each other. It will be the perfect end to an amazing season!